Friday 27 March 2015

ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આદિવાસીઓ સુરક્ષિત નથી.

                                                                                        વસાવા અશ્વિનભાઈ નાનાભાઈ
                                                                                        ગામ: વાડવા,
                                                                                       તાલુકો: દેડિયાપાડા,
                                                                                        જીલ્લો: નર્મદા,
                                                                                        ગુજરાત (૩૯૩૦૪૧)
પ્રતિ શ્રી,
રાજ્યપાલની કચેરી (રાજભવન),
ગુજરાત રાજ્ય.
             વિષય:- ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આદિવાસીઓ સુરક્ષિત નથી.
ઉપરોક્ત વિષયના અનુસંધાને લખી જણાવવાનું કે અમે આદિવાસીઓ દેશના માલિકો છે. અને ભારતીય બંધારણ ૧૯૫૦ મુજબ આદિવાસીઓને Fifth Schedule and Sixth Scheduleની જોગવાઈ કરવામાં આવેલ છે. અને The provisions of the panchayats extension to the scheduled areas” [PPESA] Act, 1996 No.40 of 1996 (24th December, 1996)નું પણ અમલીકરણ કરવામાં આવેલ નથી.
73th Constitution Amendment in India.
 Indian constitution under part (9) provisions describes about panchayat. Part (9) under articles 243 to 243 (o) provisions available, but part (9) Article 243m1 part not apply to certain areas. (1) Nothing in this part shall apply to the scheduled Areas referred to in clause (1) and the tribal areas referred  to in clause (2), of article 244, and part (9) article 243M (4)(b) Parliament may by law, extend the provisions  of this part to the scheduled areas and the tribal areas referred to in clause(1) subject to such exceptions and modifications as may be specified in such law, and no such law shall deemed to  be an amendment of this constitution for the purposes of (article 368)[1]. And The Panchayati Raj Act under three type panchyats (1)Gram panchyat,(2)Taluka(block) panchyat,(3)District panchyat. Panchayati raj election unconstitutional functioning in 5th scheduled areas. The act name is “The provisions of the panchayats extension to the scheduled areas” [PPESA] Act, 1996 No.40 of 1996 (24th December, 1996) but all internet, Wikipedia, political leader and bureaucracy people, educated people are speaking ‘Panchayats extension to the scheduled areas’. But there are 23 provisions in PPESA ACT. “Provision 4(o) the state legislature shall endeavour to follow the pattern of the 6th schedule to the constitution while designing the administrative arrangements in the panchayats at district levels in the scheduled Areas.” This provision meaning the pattern of the 6th schedule means “Autonomous district council” implement in 5th scheduled areas, Article 5, But PPESA act is not implementing in scheduled area. 5th Scheduled [Article 244(1)] Provision as to the administration scheduled areas and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.  In 5th scheduled under tribal advisory council all 9 states. But tribal advisory council (TAC) is not properly working in India. Scheduled area governor has Special constitution Rights and power, authority but all Governors are not working in scheduled area. The political parties control the all Indian Governors.
 74th Constitution Amendment in India.
            Indian constitution under part (9k) provision of municipality. Date 01 Jun 1993 to impalement in India. Part (9k) article 243P to article 243ZG becoming. And “part (9k) Article 243ZC part not to apply to certain areas. (1) Nothing in this part shall apply to the scheduled areas referred to in clause (1) and the tribal areas referred to in clause (2) of article 244”. And now municipalities’ cooperation election functioning in scheduled area (9States) its unconstitutional work. This is constitution violation in India. “Article 243zc (3) Notwithstanding anything in this constitution, parliament may, by law, extend the provisions of this part to the scheduled areas and the tribal areas referred to in clause (1) subject to such exception and modifications as may be specified in such law and no such law shall be deemed to be an amendment of this constitution for the purposes of article 368”[2].But Parliament has not passed any Act regarding Extension of municipalities to scheduled Areas. The Municipal Corporation system cannot work in the Scheduled areas of 9 Indian states. Issues of   scheduled area Social, Political, Economic, Education issues. Water, Forest, Land, Poverty, Unemployment, Violation of rights of women, Hunger, Displacement, Corruption and Naxuliest. And Adivasis rights and language, Culture, Identity all is trouble.
તેથી આપ રાજ્યપાલને વિનંતી કરી રહ્યાં છે. કે આદિવાસીઓના અધિકારોનું રક્ષણ પુરૂ પાડો. જે ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં પંચાયતી રાજ મુજબ, નગર પાલિકા મુજબ જે વ્યવસ્થા ચાલે છે. ચુંટણીઓ થાય છે. તાત્કાલિક રદ કરો. અને દરેક આદિવાસી ક્ષેત્રોના જિલ્લાઓમાં Autonomous District Council નું ઘટન કરો. આદિવાસીઓને પોતાના રીતે વિકાસ કરવા દો. નહી તો અમે આખા દેશના  આદિવાસીઓ જન આંદોલન છેડીશું.
તારીખ: ૨૭/૦૩/૨૦૧૫                                                                        સહી
                                                               Ashvin Vasava
                                                               Lalsing Vasava
નકલ રવાના:
રાષ્ટ્રીયપતી નવી દિલ્હી,
વડાપ્રધાન કચેરી નવી દિલ્હી,
ST કમિશન નવી દિલ્હી,
મુખ્ય મંત્રીની કચેરી ગુજરાત રાજ્ય,
આદિજાતિ વિભાગ (બીર્સામુંડા ભવન) ગુજરાત,
અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આવતા તમામ કલેકટરો, ગુજરાત,
Tribal Advisory Council, Gujarat.
અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આવતા તમામ આદિવાસી નેતાઓ, ગુજરાત,

[1] The constitution of India:112
[2] The constitution of India:120

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