Friday 27 March 2015

Adivasi Festivals in the Gujarat

Adivasi Festivals in the Gujarat

Akhatri Dev:-
In the eve of rainy season, people are starting their farming. The worships and dedicates mahuva (a traditional liquor of adivasis) and chicken, seed, leaf. And in the same day they washes ox by the water and worships them. Also they worships wood made hall (a traditional agriculture equipment) and also remembers the ancestors. The follower of sati-pati does not use the liquor and chicken during the worship process.
Matlia Dev:-
When rain comes the paddy fields turns into greenery with the newly grown leafs of the seeds. Adivasis takes permissions from the nature for taking the tandliya vajis (one type of green leafs) leafs as their food.  That day is called as Matlia Dev festival by the leader of the village. The called “Vaohoba” as the leader of the village. In the same day every people in the village are takes Tandliya vhaji as their food in the evening. Also they worship the cooking materials in the festival day and remind the ancestors. In the evening all males are comes at a place where they worships a sticks (Parano) from every home and worships them together and dance by using dhol (a traditional music instrument).

Doda Dev:-
When corn becomes eating they dedicates it to the natural gods for worshiping. They worship every home and remind their own ancestors. After that they take vegetable and corn as their food. 
Gam Devti:-
The whole people of the village worship of Gamdev. There are put stones near the tow Hamra tree at two sides of the village.  There is done worship through cocks, goats, mahuda liquor, tree leaves and foods. Cow dungs, eggs of hen. The people worship Gamdev so that he could protect the village. They gather and together take meal and dance.   It is called as Ujmuni in the local Vasavi dialect.

 Undiya Dev: -
People gather at the pre decided place the worship of scorn. They take meal together.  They also perform dance over there. The person cheers up and dances together with loud voice in order to enjoy. There is done worship through cocks, goats, mahuva liquor, tree leaves and foods. The Cow dungs and eggs of hen. The alders do the ceremony.

Dev Diwali:-

There is made mada (adivasi tradition food) in each house in the festival of dev Diwali. There is done nature sine on eat. On that day people remember their fore fathers wile worshiping after putting their ovens. The people who know the ceremony of Zadimudi (tradition medicine), they let do the worship of it.  Adivasi gather and together dance and sing songs. 
Onga Dev:-
On this festival there is worshiped of oxs, cows, and the things with which they are tied of it. There is done worship through cocks, goats, mahuda liquor, tree leaves and foods. Cow dungs, and eggs of hen.  And they discuss about farming.
Simadiya Dev:-
Simadiya Dev is being worship for the protection of animals and people while they go to forest (Jangal). There is done worship through cocks, goats, mahuva liquor, tree leaves, and foods. Cow dungs, eggs of hen. The adivasi people discuss about the rules wither the animals have broken after going in others yards and farms or sometimes they discuss of labour wages.   
Vagh Dev:-
The village people worship the tiger on the same place so that he could not be harmful to the people and animals. The people collect rise and Dal from each house in order to worship Vagh Dev. They carry it at the place where the Vagh Dev is being worshiped. They cook it and take the meal together. They worship Vagh Dev with youngest of hen, cook mahuva liquor, Goat. There is put the share of Vagh Dev. Then there are taken animals of the Village. There is being saturated worshiped water on them, so that the tiger, animals, adivasis people are saved.
Khola Dev:-
People collect the new grain when it comes in the farms. Adivasi people call it Khola Punjan. The grain is collected on a specific place in order do the ceremony. There is cooked grain, Liquor of Mahuwa, Hens, eggs; also made white flag/Black Flag are being worshiped. The new grain is invented at home. People worship this new grain. This is called “Navai”. This ceremony is done after remembering the forefathers of the villagers.

This festival comes in February. The new grain comes to the people. The people go to Devmogra village to worship Yahmogi, taking the new grain in the newly made Bamboo baskets. They take the Mahuwa liquor, a cock, a goat and green leaves of Kesuda as the thing of worship. This people worship Yahmogi because they believe in it. It is the Goddess of Grain (It is called as kani kansari). She gives life to the Adivasis. It makes alive them. They believe in it. Yahmogi Yahki (Mother) is creator of food grain.
Holi Dev:-
‘Holi’ is one of the important festivals for the Adivasi. The fifteen days before ‘Holi’ are meant very important that the Adivasis to be pure. On the celebration day of ‘Holi’, Adivasis use to worship nature. People use to dance together both male and female with the traditional instruments. The making of Holi constitutes wood, coconuts and coins etc. and the bamboo is used in the Centre. This is to debt their Natural Gods. Before burning the Holi, Adivasis used to sing songs in their owned mother tongue and dance around. The old aged people from the same clan fires the Holi. The instrument used during Holi is called “Rohtiyo” (a traditional instrument made up of bamboo). The Adivasis standing around Holi wear ornaments at waist, feathers of peacock at head and tighten ornaments with legs. The celebration lasts till five days of burning Holi. Adivasis use to have group dance at a common place and have mixed sweets of Jowar or Tuwar Pulse along with Jaggery.
            The importance of various aspects differs from one Adivasi to another in case of occupation, religion and tradition etc. “Pitharo” is a festival celebrated by Rathwa Adivasi. While ‘Warli Paintings” are important for Warli Adivasi. The Choudhari Adivasis celebrate ‘khatre’ as one of the important festivals of them. In the current, scenario, we find the case of conversion among the Adivasis. Such as, the Adivasis have converted from their Adivasi tradition to Christianity, Islam and the Hinduism etc. The influences’ of outsiders or non-Adivasis is seen now and then. The extreme cases of Muslim conversions are seen in the areas of Selumba and Sagbara. The hybridization is seen cases of Adivasi gods and goddesses, festivals, customs and traditions, values etc. This is the impact of outsider ideology.

Food Grain:

Adivasis are called, Kodra, Moar, Boati, Laro, Nagni, Rice, Juwar, khatifindhi and using the Mahuwa oil etc. 
Save the Adivasi Culture.....Save the Adivasi Rights....

માહિતી અધિકાર કાયદો ૨૦૦૫ હેઠળ માંગેલ માહિતી

                                                                   અશ્વિન વસાવા,
                                                                  મું પો વાડવા,
                                                                  જી. નર્મદા,
જાહેર માહિતી અધિકારીશ્રી,
માર્ગ અને મકાન વિભાગ,
જીલ્લા પંચાયત ભવન નર્મદા,
નર્મદા જીલ્લો, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય.       
                                    વિષય: માહિતી અધિકાર કાયદો ૨૦૦૫ હેઠળ માંગેલ માહિતી
(૧)  બેડાકંપની થી મોસ્કુંટ સુધી રસ્તો બનાવેલ છે. એ રસ્તામાં કેટલા નાળાઓ બનાવવાનું પ્લાન હતું? અને રસ્તો કઈ રીતે બનાવવાનું પ્લાન હતું? તેના અંતર્ગત  સરકારશ્રીના  પ્લાન મુજબના  તમામ પરિપત્રોની નકલ સહિત વિગતે માહિતી આપશો?
(૨) રસ્તો બનાવવા માટે ક્યાં અધિકારીએ ક્યાં ઇજનેરોને  રસ્તો બનાવવાનું કામ સોપેલ હતું? તેની નામ સહિત માહિતી આપશો?
(૩) રસ્તો બનાવનાર લોકો ક્યાંથી લાવવામાં આવેલ હતા? તેની વિગતે માહિતી આપશો?
(૪) રસ્તો બનાવવા માટે કેટલો બજેટ ફાળવવામાં આવેલ હતો? તેની વિગતે માહિતી આપશો?
(૫) રસ્તો સારીરીતે ના બનાવામાં આવે તો સરકારશ્રી ક્યાં કાયદા મુજબ પગલા લેશે તેની માહિતી આપશો?
(૬) આપના એપેલેટ અધીકારીનું નામ સરનામું અને હોદાની તમામ માહિતી આપશો?
તા.૦૧/૦૧૨/૦૧૪                                                                    સહી.
                                                                                                                                  Ashvin Vasava

બીડાણ: BPLનો દાખલો.

ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આદિવાસીઓ સુરક્ષિત નથી.

                                                                                        વસાવા અશ્વિનભાઈ નાનાભાઈ
                                                                                        ગામ: વાડવા,
                                                                                       તાલુકો: દેડિયાપાડા,
                                                                                        જીલ્લો: નર્મદા,
                                                                                        ગુજરાત (૩૯૩૦૪૧)
પ્રતિ શ્રી,
રાજ્યપાલની કચેરી (રાજભવન),
ગુજરાત રાજ્ય.
             વિષય:- ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આદિવાસીઓ સુરક્ષિત નથી.
ઉપરોક્ત વિષયના અનુસંધાને લખી જણાવવાનું કે અમે આદિવાસીઓ દેશના માલિકો છે. અને ભારતીય બંધારણ ૧૯૫૦ મુજબ આદિવાસીઓને Fifth Schedule and Sixth Scheduleની જોગવાઈ કરવામાં આવેલ છે. અને The provisions of the panchayats extension to the scheduled areas” [PPESA] Act, 1996 No.40 of 1996 (24th December, 1996)નું પણ અમલીકરણ કરવામાં આવેલ નથી.
73th Constitution Amendment in India.
 Indian constitution under part (9) provisions describes about panchayat. Part (9) under articles 243 to 243 (o) provisions available, but part (9) Article 243m1 part not apply to certain areas. (1) Nothing in this part shall apply to the scheduled Areas referred to in clause (1) and the tribal areas referred  to in clause (2), of article 244, and part (9) article 243M (4)(b) Parliament may by law, extend the provisions  of this part to the scheduled areas and the tribal areas referred to in clause(1) subject to such exceptions and modifications as may be specified in such law, and no such law shall deemed to  be an amendment of this constitution for the purposes of (article 368)[1]. And The Panchayati Raj Act under three type panchyats (1)Gram panchyat,(2)Taluka(block) panchyat,(3)District panchyat. Panchayati raj election unconstitutional functioning in 5th scheduled areas. The act name is “The provisions of the panchayats extension to the scheduled areas” [PPESA] Act, 1996 No.40 of 1996 (24th December, 1996) but all internet, Wikipedia, political leader and bureaucracy people, educated people are speaking ‘Panchayats extension to the scheduled areas’. But there are 23 provisions in PPESA ACT. “Provision 4(o) the state legislature shall endeavour to follow the pattern of the 6th schedule to the constitution while designing the administrative arrangements in the panchayats at district levels in the scheduled Areas.” This provision meaning the pattern of the 6th schedule means “Autonomous district council” implement in 5th scheduled areas, Article 5, But PPESA act is not implementing in scheduled area. 5th Scheduled [Article 244(1)] Provision as to the administration scheduled areas and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.  In 5th scheduled under tribal advisory council all 9 states. But tribal advisory council (TAC) is not properly working in India. Scheduled area governor has Special constitution Rights and power, authority but all Governors are not working in scheduled area. The political parties control the all Indian Governors.
 74th Constitution Amendment in India.
            Indian constitution under part (9k) provision of municipality. Date 01 Jun 1993 to impalement in India. Part (9k) article 243P to article 243ZG becoming. And “part (9k) Article 243ZC part not to apply to certain areas. (1) Nothing in this part shall apply to the scheduled areas referred to in clause (1) and the tribal areas referred to in clause (2) of article 244”. And now municipalities’ cooperation election functioning in scheduled area (9States) its unconstitutional work. This is constitution violation in India. “Article 243zc (3) Notwithstanding anything in this constitution, parliament may, by law, extend the provisions of this part to the scheduled areas and the tribal areas referred to in clause (1) subject to such exception and modifications as may be specified in such law and no such law shall be deemed to be an amendment of this constitution for the purposes of article 368”[2].But Parliament has not passed any Act regarding Extension of municipalities to scheduled Areas. The Municipal Corporation system cannot work in the Scheduled areas of 9 Indian states. Issues of   scheduled area Social, Political, Economic, Education issues. Water, Forest, Land, Poverty, Unemployment, Violation of rights of women, Hunger, Displacement, Corruption and Naxuliest. And Adivasis rights and language, Culture, Identity all is trouble.
તેથી આપ રાજ્યપાલને વિનંતી કરી રહ્યાં છે. કે આદિવાસીઓના અધિકારોનું રક્ષણ પુરૂ પાડો. જે ગુજરાતના અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં પંચાયતી રાજ મુજબ, નગર પાલિકા મુજબ જે વ્યવસ્થા ચાલે છે. ચુંટણીઓ થાય છે. તાત્કાલિક રદ કરો. અને દરેક આદિવાસી ક્ષેત્રોના જિલ્લાઓમાં Autonomous District Council નું ઘટન કરો. આદિવાસીઓને પોતાના રીતે વિકાસ કરવા દો. નહી તો અમે આખા દેશના  આદિવાસીઓ જન આંદોલન છેડીશું.
તારીખ: ૨૭/૦૩/૨૦૧૫                                                                        સહી
                                                               Ashvin Vasava
                                                               Lalsing Vasava
નકલ રવાના:
રાષ્ટ્રીયપતી નવી દિલ્હી,
વડાપ્રધાન કચેરી નવી દિલ્હી,
ST કમિશન નવી દિલ્હી,
મુખ્ય મંત્રીની કચેરી ગુજરાત રાજ્ય,
આદિજાતિ વિભાગ (બીર્સામુંડા ભવન) ગુજરાત,
અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આવતા તમામ કલેકટરો, ગુજરાત,
Tribal Advisory Council, Gujarat.
અનુસૂચિત ક્ષેત્રોમાં આવતા તમામ આદિવાસી નેતાઓ, ગુજરાત,

[1] The constitution of India:112
[2] The constitution of India:120